Is FastJobs a recruitment agency?

Is FastJobs a recruitment agency?

We get that question a lot! FastJobs is not a recruitment agency. We are an award winning mobile app that helps connect non-executive job seekers to qualified employers quickly & easily! Employers can choose to receive applications via Email, WhatsApp, SMS and/or Phone for reviewing and directly respond to you when shortlisted.

Best Part? 
We do not take any cut when you get hired!

!Job Seeker Tips!
1. Response time from employers is always an important area we look at improving towards the experience of our job seekers. 

2. We recommend a period of 2-7 working days as the average response time to hear from the employer/s if you've been shortlisted successfully. 

3. Don't be disheartened if you've been rejected or haven't heard back. Job searching can be daunting. Keep your profile up to date and applications frequent!

4. While waiting for the Employer's response, you may check out FastGig which is accessible on the Play Store and App Store. FastGig allows eligible job seekers to apply for freelance work with flexibility.